therefore, this list reflects the state of the complete game as of the april 2021 balance patch, which included changes to more than half of the civs. here are the civs we think belong in the trash tier. Civ 6 tier list – d tier we don’t know what you’re doing choosing any of these leaders, but meme strats are always amusing. we will be ranking everything from leaders and civilizations, to pantheons, to wonders and natural wonders for the complete game (vanilla plus rise and fall, gathering storm, and new frontier). in this article, we decided to put together the ultimate civ 6 tier list. On civ 6 tier list (october 2021) civs, leaders, pantheons, wonders.

though his political savviness still makes this civ a flexible competitor on civ 6's tier list, capable of seizing any victory path. Pericles (greece) is best suited to culture victory conditions as well, through his use of city state allegiances and proper central placement of his cities' acropolises. the formant is going to be similar to our civ. and with our civ 6 tier list, we’re going to divide each of the game’s 53 different civilizations into five different tiers. civilization 6 is a massive game with dozens upon dozens of unique factions that the player can take control of. Civ 6 tier list: all 53 leaders and civilizations ranked.